The institution of marriage is in a vulnerable ‘dis-eased’ state. Divorce rates in the United States have slightly decreased over the last twenty years but have doubled for people ages 50-64 and tripled for those over age 65 according to a recent Bowling Green State University study. Is there something you can do to not become a statistic? Recommit to Marriage!
Let’s use money as an analogy. What happens to a person trying to live paycheck to paycheck? Invariably, an emergency will arise that requires more money than they have at hand. A state of hyper-vigilance occurs that can create anxiety, fear, anger, paralysis, numbness, apathy, feelings of helplessness and hopelessness. What happens to couples who just ‘get by’; survive on a day-to-day basis?  Communication breaks down, misunderstandings multiply and hurt and anger start to grow. Paralysis, numbness, apathy and feelings of helplessness and hopelessness begin to multiply.
In personal finance the goal is to have balance and awareness. Incorporating short-term liquid funds, savings, a diversified portfolio of investments, control over expenditures and consistent and timely reviews create balance and awareness. The same principles hold for a healthy marriage: balance, awareness, consistent and timely reviews.
The goal with money and marriage is to create and build value. It’s important to regularly assess your marital commitment. I suggest seeking professional advice every five years for recommitment in addition to situational challenges that may arise; children, death, infidelity, job loss.
Let’s create a dialogue to spread the word for marriage recommitment!
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