This article is one in a series of suggestions for dealing with some of our daily challenges and frustrations.
Listening can be challenging even in the best of times. We live in a fast-paced society where we are bombarded with multiple stimuli incessantly. Effective listening means making a conscious effort to be in the present moment and not allow ourselves to be distracted.
Here are some suggestions for effective listening:
1. Disengage from all electronic devices.
2. Establish eye contact. If listening to a child, get down on her/his level.
3. Do not interrupt. Sometimes we have a tendency to make assumptions as to what the other person is thinking and we have tuned them out to formulate our response. Invariably, that only leads to defensive thinking and posturing by both parties.
4. Pay attention to nonverbal communication. Nonverbal constitutes a high component percentage of communication. Research varies – anywhere from 60% to 93%. Facial expressions, body language, gestures, pauses and physical space are all examples of nonverbal communication.
5. Listen with a compassionate ear. Try to place yourself in the other person’s position. Always give the benefit of the doubt.
6. Breathe in. When you breathe in you cannot speak. Just by taking a few deep breaths will allow you time to be deliberate and thoughtful as to how you want to respond.
Just by adhering to these six principles your listening IQ will dramatically increase!
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