We all want to be happy, content, calm, balanced and lead a peaceful life. Unfortunately, our society places less emphasis on these values than on external monetary success, busyness, achievement and accomplishment. We spend more time ‘doing’ rather than ‘being’. Consequently, our self-care, relationships and efforts to improve our culture are suffering. Work hours have become longer, job security is uncertain and the divorce rate is around 40-50 percent. People are overwhelmed and find escapism through unhealthy behaviors such as addictions, excessive use of technology, procrastination, rumor – mongering and avoidance. These types of behaviors block our ability to reach our plans and goals in life.
Life coaching helps people re-energize, focus constructively and change self-defeating behaviors. When a person chooses to take the time to breathe, pause and examine more deliberately at who they are and what they are doing with their life; it can provide the impetus to make long-lasting positive changes. I will help you learn how to employ an experimental mindset because when we continue to view situations from what we have learned and habituated ourselves to we limit our ability to come up with new solutions.
Life coaching can be viewed as the new generation of problem solving. Life coaching differs from therapy for several reasons. As a life coach I do not give advice; I ask quality, thought – provoking questions to allow you to find the answers that resonate with you and help you see the impact of the decisions you choose to make. These questions help you identify your inspiration and motivation in formulating your life plan.
Life coaching is helpful for many of the challenges we face. Professional goals such as starting your own business, changing careers or looking to maximize your potential at your current job. Personal goals such as implementing and maintaining an exercise program, choosing healthier foods, improving interpersonal relationships and becoming more organized and focused. Life coaching is effective for learning conflict resolution skills, enhancing communication skills and negotiation strategies. These are just some examples of what life coaching can achieve.
There are key elements to attain the goals you determine you desire but to achieve these goals you have to have inspiration and motivation. Inspiration is the state of being mentally or physically stimulated to do something. Inspiration is the spark that lights you up. Motivation is the fuel that keeps the inspiration alive. I provide the external motivation to propel you forward. External motivation is not enough – it can become a ‘should’ or ‘have to’ which can create a sense of guilt and shame. Internal motivation comes from within: it has to be important and of value to you in order for change to be sustainable over the long-run.
Life coaching focuses on the present and places less emphasis on understanding and healing past events. My role is to give you clarity, direction and the concrete skills and strategies that will move you forward. As a life coach, I act as your advocate, hold you accountable, guide and motivate you. Each person I work with is looked at as the unique individual they are and my plans are fully customized for you.
Life coaching can assist you in finding that inspiration and motivation to grow, to empower, to focus, to cultivate your strengths and employ the strategies to accomplish your goals.