This is the second instalment in our series regarding the pillars of a healthy and mutually satisfying relationship. Last month’s discussion was on respect. This month’s topic is honor.
Honor and respect can be very similar and do have some shared characteristics. I do think it’s important to address each one individually in order to fully understand how these concepts are vitally important to a strong, healthy and loving relationship.
Honor can seem like a very abstract concept. How do we ‘honor’ someone in marriage or in a relationship? Honor is giving one’s word as a guarantee of commitment. Honor is showing the highest recognition to your spouse or partner and treating them as the special treasure in your life. Showing honor is treating one through your actions and words with the highest level of regard for their worthiness.
Here are some thoughts and ideas on how to honor an important and special person in your life.
- Live with honor by choosing to behave ethically in your thoughts, feelings and actions, which are true to your moral values. Treat your significant person as you want to be treated yourself.
- Show your honor to your significant other by acknowledging your care and love for them. Respect your loved one by showing a willingness to respond to their needs. For example, listen to the other person and being sensitive to what they need. Do they just want to vent, have someone empathize with their issue or solve the problem?
- Willingness to sacrifice your personal wants at times shows honor for the relationship. Sometimes for the health and viability of the relationship, personal needs may take less priority than relationship needs. This suggestion is framed within a healthy and mutually satisfying and respectful relationship.
- Honor the relationship by not taking it for granted. Relationships take a lot of work. You have to be present to keep the relationship healthy. Keeping an awareness helps monitor the health of a relationship. For instance, by not putting oneself in a position that threatens the marriage with infidelity shows honor to the relationship.
- Showing gratitude to the person you love is honoring them. Tell them how special they are and how much they mean to you. Do something that will touch their heart.
Time speeds by. How many people have regrets that they didn’t tell or show someone how much they loved, respected and honored them?
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